Ministry Handbook


Follow Dr. Hunter online!

A Message from Our Pastor

Greetings Ministry Partner!

First, please allow me to thank you for your willingness to serve God and His people. I appreciate you sharing your time, talent, and treasures with this ministry.

The Bible makes a statement of challenge to the people of God. It says, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” To that end, Mount Jezreel Baptist Church’s goal is to maintain a consciousness about how we do ministry. God’s requirement for us is that we offer Him and His precious people a ministry of excellence. In order to do that, we must plan. In other words of great ministry does not just happen; it becomes possible only when we plan for it.

As we embark upon every ministry endeavor at Mount Jezreel Baptist Church, one of the aims of the leadership of the church is to provide our ministry workers with every possible resource we can to make sure that they are equipped to do the work of ministry well.

This Ministry Handbook is one of our first steps in making sure that we provide you with the appropriate tools to plan ministry with a five-star approach. It is not enough to just pray; we must implement plans, protocols, and strategies to complement ministry that we hope is impactful, powerful, and far-reaching. It is my sincerest prayer that you use this handbook as a means to assist you with planning ministry that provides glory to God and empowerment to His people.

Together, we can! Let’s do great ministry!

Making Ministry Happen

A. Our Pastor

Dr. Jamison Hunter serves as the Senior Pastor, providing overall spiritual and operational direction for the ministry. By faith, Pastor Hunter has inspired the congregation to move from membership to discipleship. Pastor Hunter is committed to establishing ministries that minister to all walks of life.

B. Our Leadership (Deacons, Trustees, Associate Ministers)

“Holding up the arms of our Pastor” are a number of formal ministry roles. Our Deacons (Diaconate Ministry) consists of those charged with “serving” the congregation. Scripturally based in Acts 6:1-6, the role or office of deacon was developed in the early church primarily to minister to the physical needs of church members. The church was growing so fast that some believers, particularly widows, were being neglected. The apostles, who had their hands full caring for the spiritual needs of the church, decided to appoint seven leaders who could tend to the needs within the body. Our deacons serve in this role under the direction of our Pastor. Members of the Diaconate Ministry may sit toward the front of the church during worship and teaching sessions. Trustees are responsible for the fiscal management of the church and our Associate Ministers, who are perhaps the most identifiable (often seated in the pastoral section) work with the pastor by occasionally sharing the Word of God.

C. Our Staff

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church employs several persons who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the ministry. This includes ministerial and administrative staff.

D. Our Volunteers (Ministry Coordinators, Ministry Leaders, Ministry Members)

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church understands that what makes ministry happen are the people who volunteer to participate and help administer our ministry programs. Lay Pastors oversee a specific “umbrella group” of ministries, provide direction, support, and oversee a single ministry. Finally, ministry members attend ministry programs, meetings and rehearsals, and offer overall ministry support, as directed.

E. Our Ministries

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church operates ministries for children, youth, young adults, married/engaged, men, and women. Pastor Hunter leads weekly midday Bible Study (Refuel) on Wednesdays; and our Christian Education ministry offer spiritual-growth learning opportunities. While some ministries have specific criteria for participation, other meetings are open. If you’re interested in getting involved, here are some next steps:

  • Always make your spiritual growth a priority by attending Bible Study (Koinonia Bible Institute & Church School) regularly. Additional spiritual-growth opportunities are available through our Christian Education program.
  • Always feel free to contact a Lay Pastor or Office Staff person at the church to learn more about getting involved in a specific ministry.
  • Attend our ongoing ministry fairs, review the monthly bulletin, “The Mount Jezreel Messenger” (digitally) and check our building information centers for regular ministry update information.

Member Communications

A. Updating Your Information

If any of your personal information changes (i.e., address, telephone number, marital status, etc.), please complete a Membership Update Form and submit it to the Church Administrative Office.


A. How to Give

  • Members give tithes, offerings, and special campaign pledges to MJBC in a number of ways:
  • During service with envelopes provided in the Tabernacle pews;
  • Through the Givelify app. (available on iPhone and Android devices). Please choose Mount Jezreel Baptist Church Silver Spring, Maryland as your home church.
  • Online at

B. Church Offering Envelopes

To ensure accurate recordkeeping of your contributions, please use an offering envelope and complete it each time you make an offering to the church.

C. Contribution Statements
Contribution statements are mailed annually to each member.

Church Communications

A. Communication Tools

The church uses a number of communication tools to disseminate information regarding our ministry programs and events. These tools include a monthly bulletin, our website, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), in-service news broadcasts, our building information centers, general announcements (print and verbal), electronic alerts, email blasts, phone messaging, and specific ministry leader communications. Please ensure that your personal information is up to date so you receive consistent communications from the ministry.

B. Church Calendar

Monthly calendars are distributed to the ministry. For a more detailed look at the annual church calendar, please contact our Church Administrative Office.

C. Church Announcements

If your ministry has an upcoming event you would like for the Pastor to announce to the congregation, please submit a Ministry & Meeting Proposal Form 2 weeks before your meeting to The request should include basic information about the event (type of event, date and time of the event, location, cost and a contact person).

If the announcement is approved, you will be notified, and the announcement will be shared publicly by the Pastor in his announcements. However, due to the large volume of announcement requests received, we are not always able to accommodate them all. Therefore, final approval of announcement requests will be at the discretion of the Pastor/Church Administrative Office.

D. E-Mail Alerts, Church Phone Calls/Messages and Social Media

In an effort to conserve paper, MJBC uses technology as much as possible. Again, ensuring that your accurate e-mail and phone number is in our system is crucial for ongoing communications. We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

E. Marketing

For the best results in promoting events, Lay Pastors are strongly encouraged to plan 30 to 45 days in advance. If Lay Pastors are having difficulty in planning, he/she may set up a consultation meeting (prior to your ministry proposal submission) with the Pastor or his designee to understand deadlines and approximate marketing costs. As a result of the meeting, the Pastor and Lay Pastor will develop a comprehensive strategy to best bring attention to the event.

F. Publications

For your convenience, copying and printing services are available via a Publications Request Form. Please allow a minimum of 5 days for regular requests (i.e., flyers, banners, etc.). While a 5-day lead-time is required, the office staff will attempt to complete urgent copy requests the same day they are submitted. For all other publications requests (i.e., graphic design), there is a 30-day, lead-time required. The Lay Pastor of Administration and Technical Arts must approve all printed material before copying or printing can take place. You will receive an e-mail or phone call when the publications request is complete.

G. Community Outreach and Public Relations

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church is committed to staying connected to the community in which it ministers and maintaining a positive image. This effort is accomplished by the entire ministry team with specific initiatives sponsored by our Evangelism and Outreach Ministries (Prison Ministry, Food Distribution, etc.) and Technical Arts (special events, community meetings, etc.).

Our Facility

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church is a dynamic ministry offering programs and activities. The ministry’s
location is Silver Spring, Maryland offering its primary worship location, administrative offices, meeting
space, and ministry programs.

A. Mailing Address and Phone Numbers

The mailing address for Mount Jezreel Baptist Church and phone numbers for the church and its ancillary operations are as follows:

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church
420 University Blvd. E
Silver Spring, Maryland 20901

B. Operating Hours

The Church Administrative Office is open Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM.

Ministry activities occur seven days a week (as scheduled) with evening activities concluding no later than 8:45 PM. For specific scheduling information, please check event schedules available throughout the building.

C. Facility Closures/Inclement Weather

Inclement weather can cause transportation problems and/or hazardous facility conditions that can vary widely in our region. While we work diligently to maintain the ministry’s operating schedule, severe weather may result in closures and cancellations of our programs and operations.

D. Building Scheduling

Overall coordination for building scheduling is handled by the Church Administrative Office. While specific procedures are detailed in the event area of this handbook, general scheduling questions can be directed to your Ministry Leader or the Church’s main office at 301-431-2800.

E. Space Rental Opportunities

Rental opportunities of the Mount Jezreel Baptist Church facility are available. Requests should be directed to the Church Administrative Office at 301-431-2800.

F. Lost and Found

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church maintains a lost and found area. On Sundays, persons should contact a member of our Ushers Ministry for direction to the lost and found areas. The Church Administrative Office can also be contacted for further support regarding the location of a lost item.

G. Accidents/Incidents and Medical Emergencies

The ministry understands accidents and medical emergencies can occur at our facilities. Persons involved or witnessing a serious accident/incident or medical emergency should immediately contact emergency services. A second step in a serious incident or the initial step for a non-serious incident, would be to contact a church staff member or the main Church Administrative Office. For minor medical incidents, first-aid kits are located throughout our facility. For all of the above related issues, a Church Incident Report should be completed by contacting the Church Administrative Office at 301-431-2800.

H. Emergency Response

The safety of worshippers, visitors, and staff is paramount in the operation of Mount Jezreel Baptist Church facilities. All facilities are appropriately equipped with burglar and fire alarm systems, which are appropriately tested and certified. Emergency lighting and exit signage is in place throughout our facilities. Exterior lighting around the facility is also appropriately maintained. Additionally, specific ministry staff are focused on facility and personal safety/security.

Should emergencies result in vacating our buildings, we ask that you proceed to the closest marked emergency exit location. Should this evacuation result in you being separated from your child and/or other family member(s), please note that our exit plan involves assembly at the farthest parking lot area away from the building. (This means the back side of the building nearest The Sanctuary, a Mount Jezreel Senior Housing Community). Should this location not be available we ask that you follow the direction of emergency response personnel (or the ministry’s designee) on the scene.

I. Parking

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church’s parking facilities are for the exclusive use of Mount Jezreel Baptist Church members, guests and vendors (as scheduled). Regarding overnight parking, ministries and individuals should contact the Church Administrative Office for specific coordination. We understand that some events will result in extended parking and require notification when vehicles will be left on the lot for an extended period of time. Towing is enforced on all of our lots for vehicles for those who do not adhere to our parking guidelines. Please be sensitive to reserved parking signage. Finally, please lock your vehicles and secure personal belongings. Mount Jezreel Baptist Church is not responsible for damage to vehicles parked at any of our facilities.

J. Storage

Limited storage is available for ministry materials only. Ministries should contact the Church Administrative Office for overall coordination. The church does not store members’ personal materials including, but not limited to, furniture, vehicles, etc.

K. Wi-Fi

Our church offers free Wi-Fi access. Mount Jezreel Baptist Church is not liable for any files or data which could be lost during the access period. Additionally, we ask that you remain respectful and sensitive to the Christian ethics of our operations and not access sites and files that damage the integrity of the ministry.

Ministry Events, Activities and Support Tools

A. Scheduling an Event

The Church Administrative Office, in conjunction with the Pastor, coordinates requests for dates on the church calendar.

If your ministry is planning an event and needs to obtain or check a date, please submit your request to the Church Administrative Office by way of the ministry proposal in writing ( The request should include the following information:

  • Type of event;
  • Proposed date and time for the event (if no dates have been considered, please indicate any preferences such as month or day of the week);
  • Location (indicate where the event is being held at MJBC or offsite).

Church staff will work with your effortlessly to determine the feasibility of the date(s) submitted based on other activities that are already scheduled. The Church Administrative Office will follow up with the Lay Pastor of the requesting ministry to let him/her know if the date requested has been approved for your event. If the date requested is not available, alternate dates will be provided for your consideration. When this is done, you will need to confirm the date that your ministry has agreed upon and so that the event can be placed on the church calendar.

B. Event Planning and Coordination Support

In addition to your Lay Pastor and/or Servant Leader, the Offices of Communications and Technical Arts stand ready to assist you in the overall marketing (strategy, video promotions) and logistical coordination (decorations, lighting, staging, equipment rentals) of your event. Contact with either of these offices should occur only after specific direction/approval has been granted.

C. Ministry Mailboxes

Ministry Mailboxes are located at the church in the Church Administrative Office. Mailboxes are clearly marked and used for internal and external ministry correspondence. The boxes should be checked regularly.

D. Letters and Mailings

Ministry-related letters should be submitted electronically to the Lay Pastor of Communications ( for review and editing. Once approved, the Lay Pastor of Communications will submit it to the Church Administrative Office for approval and printing on letterhead. Within 3 days, any corrections will be made and the letter will be sent from the Church Administrative Office. You will be notified via phone or e-mail when the request is complete.

E. Food Services

1. General Information

Our desire is to provide excellence in the quality of our food and the service to our members and guests. By doing so, we humbly demonstrate Christian service through our staff and volunteers to the body of Christ. All events held at MJBC that will have food of any kind must first be approved by the Church Administrative Office. Please include food request on the Ministry & Meeting Proposal Form and submit at least 30 days prior to the event. Caterers may be suggested but it is ultimately up to the Church Administrative Office and Lay Pastor of Trustees to make the final decision.

2. Outside Caterers

Licensed, outside caterers may be used for various in-house functions (i.e., receptions, parties, and meetings), however, they must first be approved by the Church Administrative Office and Lay Pastor of Trustees. At no time should food be brought in-house for consumption that did not receive an approval. When in doubt or you have questions, please contact the Church Administrative Office.

3. Decorating

It is the Lay Pastor’s responsibility to make arrangements for setup and removal of all decorations. Each ministry is welcome to supply decorations for their event. No plants, pedestals, wall hangings, etc. may be moved from the room they originate. If you are using the room where these items belong, they may be used. You may use the property of other ministries only with written permission from the Lay Pastor. Specific direction and support can be obtained from the Church Administrative Office.

4. Linen

Linen can be provided for ministry events. Please specify on your Ministry & Meeting Proposal Form the number of cloths and any desired cloth. Please note that certain color requests may require an external vendor and be charged to your ministry’s budget.


A. Contract Guidance

All contracts must be reviewed by the Pastor and signed by the trustees. Individuals are not authorized to enter into/sign contracts on behalf of the church, as you could be held personally liable by the vendor. No contracts should be obtained prior to event approval from the Office of the Pastor.

B. Budget Preparations

All budgets and event proposals should be submitted to the Church Administrative Office/Lay Pastor of Trustees 90 days in advanced.

C. Funds Procurement and Processing

  • 1. Disbursement RequestsThe Disbursement Request Form is used to request funds from the church for an approved expenditure. Forms are ministry specific and can be obtained from your Lay Pastor/Church Website,
  • No spending should occur without prior approval. Without prior written approval, you will NOT be reimbursed for expenses previously incurred
  • The form must be signed by the Servant Leader and the Lay Pastor, and due to the Church Administrative Office by 12 NOON on Thursdays. Requests received after 12 NOON on Thursdays will be held and submitted for processing the following week. Requests should NOT be taken directly to the Trustees Office.
  • Disbursements are not distributed on Sundays. We reserve Sundays for working at worship. The Lay Pastor of Trustees and/or Lay Pastor of Administration will not respond to ministry requests.
  • For large expenditures (over $2,000), the request should be submitted at least 4 weeks in advance.
  • Checks are distributed on Thursdays; if you are expecting a check and do not receive it, please follow up with the Lay Pastor of Administration and they will check with Finance regarding the status.
  • If a check is written to you personally, you must submit receipts for the items purchased and return any change.
  • Stay within the amount budgeted/approved – do not overspend and expect reimbursement.
  • If you get a check and don’t use it, please return it to the Lay Pastor of Trustees; do not keep it and spend on something else.
  • Please DO NOT use governmental assistance (Food Stamp Card, etc.) to purchase any items. We are not responsible to refund.

D. Depositing Funds

1. Income Deposit Form

  • Money should NOT be taken home.
  • All money, receipts, and all other documentation should be placed in an envelope, with the ministry name, and given to your Lay Pastor and immediately turned into the Trustee office.

Congregational Care

A. Baptism

Baptism is held on the 1ST Sunday of each month at the 8 AM & 10 AM worship experience. Candidates should arrive at least 45 minutes prior to the worship service.

B. Baby Dedications

Baby dedications are held once a quarter on the 3RD Sunday of the month at the 8 AM or 10 AM worship service. There are a few exceptions contingent upon the church calendar. One or both parents of the child to be dedicated must be a member of MJBC for at least 6 months. If someone other than the parent(s) of the child is requesting the dedication, that person must have legal guardianship of the child to be dedicated. Persons should call the Church Administrative Office at least 30 days before the desired dedication date and provide the child’s name, date of birth and the name of both parents.

C. Bereavement

When you experience the loss of a loved one or sudden illness, please notify the Church Administrative Office (as soon as possible). The church cannot provide prayer or support if we are not informed of your loss. The Church Administrative Office and leaders are willing and will be ready to serve you and assist during your time of need.

D. General Funeral Policies

Funerals will be held for members of the church ONLY. Rentals of our facilities are on a case-by-case basis. There is a cost associated and time restraints as well. See Funeral Policy and Procedures.

E. Financial Assistance

  • Financial assistance will be considered for any active member of the church that has a valid need. Active member is defined as any person who attends worship services regularly, Bible Study (Koinonia Bible Institute and/or Church School), and/or is involved in the ministries of the church.
  • Financial assistance will be provided only once within a one-year period. All requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. No assistance will be provided to anyone who has received financial assistance from the church for 2 consecutive years.
  • Consideration will also be given to inactive members and individuals who are not members of Mount Jezreel Baptist Church, but on a limited basis.
  • Requests for financial assistance must be accompanied by original documentation pertaining to the nature of the need. Checks will be made payable directly to the business on the submitted documentation only.
  • Payments will not be given to the requester; they will be handled between the Church Administrative Office and the entity of the request.
  • Proper identification will be required before any financial request is honored.

F. Hospital Visitations

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church members and their immediate family members (i.e., spouse, parent, child, or sibling) may contact the Church Administrative Office to request that a leader make a hospital visit.

G. Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is available to those who seek assistance with making major decisions or those who need direction and guidance. Pastoral care covers topics such as:

  • Premarital Counseling
  • Marriage Counseling
  • Individual and/or Family Conflict
  • Spiritual Direction and Guidance
  • Death and Grief

Pastoral care is available by appointment only. If it is determined that ongoing counseling is needed or desired, you will be referred to a counseling center. To make an appointment, please contact us at

H. Protocol for Resolution of Disputes

In the event there are any problems or concerns you have, please discuss them with your Lay Pastor. If your Lay Pastor is not able to address your concerns to your satisfaction, you may contact the following persons in the order shown:

  • Lay Pastor
  • Lay Pastor of Diaconate Ministry
  • Church Administrative Office (Pastor)

I. Church Administrative Office

The Church Administrative Office can be reached at or 301-431-2800.

J. Weddings

In order for persons to hold their wedding ceremony at MJBC, either the bride or the groom must be a member of the church for at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Upon meeting this requirement, you must follow these guidelines:

  • Contact the Church Administrative Office to check the availability of the Pastor and the church facilities for the date and time desired.
  • Please indicate if this is an office wedding or a full ceremony and an expected number of guests.
    Please note that NO weddings are performed on Sundays.
  • Once the date has been approved, you will be assigned a MJBC Wedding Consultant to work with you in the planning and coordination of your wedding. Pastor will conduct one (1) Consultation Session and two (2) Pre-Marital Conversations.
  • The (2) Pre-Marital Conversations must be completed at least 2 months prior to your wedding date; otherwise, the wedding will be postponed to a later date. See the Wedding Procedures & Guidelines that also include a detailed Wedding Planning Guide and schedule of wedding fees.

Pastor Hunter also officiates wedding ceremonies at locations other than Mount Jezreel Baptist Church, including destination weddings (Our Pastor & Pastor’s Wife’s accommodations must be covered by the Bride & Groom). The same guidelines and processes outlined above would still apply.