Our Mission & Vision

Mount Jezreel Baptist Church
Vision Statement:
Mount Jezreel is a Disciple-Making Congregation that Loves God and Loves People.
Mission Statement:
Mount Jezreel is:
I. Committed to the Master
II. Connected through Ministry
III. Concerned about Mankind
7 Core Values:
- WORD - We believe that the Word of God is the center of our effort and activity (John 1:1).
- WORSHIP - We believe that the Word of God encourages the people of God to worship the Lord, and we do so without any reservation or shame (Psalm 95:6).
- WORK - We believe that as the Word of God begins to change the people of God through the Holy Spirit, we are motivated to work for the cause of Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Lord (John 9:4).
- WITNESS - We believe that every regenerated believer touched by the hand of God ought to be a willing witness to what the Lord has done in their life (Acts 1:8).
- WILL - We believe that every believer should partake in a lifelong search that culminates in finding their place in the will of God (Psalm 143:10).
- WEALTH - We believe that the Word of God teaches every disciple to share 10% of their wealth (time, talent, treasure) to support the growth of and sustain the ongoing ministries of the church in which they hold membership (III John 1:2).
- WALK – We believe that as a prisoner of the Lord, we're urged to live a life worthy of the calling we have received (Deuteronomy 5:33).